Contactless and Oyster cannot be used for travel to Stansted Airport
With a journey time of just 50 minutes to Liverpool Street, there’s no quicker way to travel from Central London to Stansted Airport.
You can take any train at any time without pre-booking – just in case things don’t go to plan. Our open returns are fully flexible, so you can travel up to 30 days from departure at no extra cost.
Breakaway from the herd and leave the lines behind. Book ahead and download your eticket straight to your phone. We don’t charge any additional fees and you’re covered by your price guarantee when you book through our website.
We run up to 4 trains an hour during the busiest peak periods, and every 30 minutes during the off-peak including the weekends.
You don’t need to stress about social distancing. We’re making our trains as long as possible, so passengers can spread out. We’re constantly monitoring passenger numbers so that we can make trains longer or increase the frequency if necessary.
You can forget lengthy interchanges or long treks to the terminal. Our trains run straight into London and Stansted airport.
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